Start earning $45k salary as a Medical Assistant.

Launch a high-earning career in just 12 weeks with Lumina Healthcare’s sponsored training - with no upfront costs.

Click To Complete Tandem Candidate Profile


How It Works

Here’s how our employer-sponsored healthcare training and placement process empowers you to earn while you learn.


Complete Candidate Profile

Fill out a brief application so we can understand your background and career goals. This helps us guide you toward the right healthcare opportunities.


Get Matched with an Employer

We’ll review your profile and connect you with sponsored healthcare roles that fit your interests—so you can earn while you learn.


Begin Training

Once hired, you’ll start an employer-sponsored training program that aligns with your new role, setting you up for success right away.


Earn Industry Certifications

Gain recognized credentials that open doors to advancement and higher pay in the healthcare industry.


Start Working

Jump into your new role! Continue growing your career with ongoing support from us and your employer.

Discover Your Path

Whether you’re brand new or experienced in the field, we collaborate with MedCerts to make getting certified faster and more affordable.

By completing a quick Candidate Profile, you’ll unlock tuition options designed to keep your goals within reach.

Ready to take the next step? Fill out the form to see what opportunities are available for you.

MedCerts academic partner

Academic Partner

MedCerts Partnership

MedCerts ( is a leading academic partner dedicated to equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for today’s healthcare job market. With over a decade of experience, MedCerts is known for delivering high‑quality, industry‑relevant training programs that help you excel in your career.